Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Some notes on IDLENESS and SLEEP

During this time of unemployment I, as often is the case, alter my sleeping habits. Not out of any desire to do so but out of blind servitude to "inspiration", or whatever is passing for that in my life at the moment. My brain is more fertile during night. Or so I tell myself.

It is true that I have done, and thought, more creative and worthy things between the hours of 12am and 4am, but I hate it. I hate this routine. It isolates me from the world, including my girlfriend and family, more than it is worth, for I have no masterpiece in the works at this point. I simply fiddle about on this and that, believing that whenever I get my shot these times will prove the perfect example of the genius of my method.

I say again that I hate it. I would rather work in the morning, like most functioning people (my uncle Donnie wrote between the hours of 5am and 8am when my Aunt and cousins would then awaken... he has since lost his mind) but find the world of sleep to joyful a place to leave. I never want to get up until half the day is gone and then I curse myself as a lazy oaf. What is one to do?

Atempt to fix the problem? Yes. How? Well that is where I err. I decide that I will stay up through the time when I am tired and power on towards a time when it would be normal for me to go to sleep. Then my pattern will right itself and I'll get up around 8am. I've done it before. It feels good. I feel like a human being when it's like that. I tried to do this last night and couldn't. I was here, in my room the entire time. The bed calling to me, inviting. So I decided to take a "nap" at 3:30pm...ish. Yeah, I slept until 10pm and have been up ever since. I even took Tylenol PM, to no avail. (I did feel tired though)

So here I am, awake, resolute to stay that way until 10pm this evening. I will be active. Go somewhere in the city. Try not to fall asleep on the subway. Wish me luck.

And here are some pictures of cool comic book covers.

Can you believe that Don Rickles is on the cover and a character INSIDE this comic. That Jimmy Olsen comic.

I love that Dingbats cover and I'm currently tring to win all 17 issues of Metamorpho the element man on ebay. Could cost me 20 bucks if I win. I'll probably lose.

1 comment:

NinjasOfLoretto said...

we should communicate via blog from here on out.

it was a good blog and i feel bad for making you feel so bad. i will try harder to not to get so upset on this issue.

i agree with you though that your thinking that you are more creative in the night hours is not really too accurate. i think you will find yourself much happier if you adjust this thinking and swear off the idea of "genius work technique" i thought much the same thing back in our art school days and i don't think it's been proven wholly true once.