Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hopped up on Theraflu

So, I'm a little sick and I took some Theraflu to help me sleep. Only after I took it I saw that it said "non-drowsy" and now I can't seem to sleep. I decided to watch a movie until I fell asleep, which will hopefully be soon.

Theraflu, by the way, is the worst stuff on earth. Does anything taste worse? I nearly vomited with each swallow, and I don't vomit (twice in 12 years). I can still taste it even though I drank a little coke and a ton of water. What does this have to do with film? Nothing, it just couldn't go unsaid.

My first exposure to Costa-Gavras is the film, Missing (1982).

"If you hadn't been personally involved in this... unfortunate incident, you'd be sitting at home, complacent, a more or less oblivious to all of this."

Exactly! That something like this could, and did, happen isn't shocking in the world we live in today. The proliferation and saturation of information allows us to be aware of how easily it is for "evil" people to get their way. This film, with it's strong portrayl of characters fighting against the beurocracy is smart and emotionally involving in spite of the heavy reliance on facts. Sometimes this gets in the way of my emotional involvment with characters but the interaction between Jack Lemon and Sissy Spacek is realistic and moving.

I am pretty sure that Z, by Costa-Gavras, is a great movie and probably better than this one but it's damn good. I'll give it 4 stars on netflix and recommend it.

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